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Topics: Architecture

Nemetschek Group Creates AI Innovation Hub with Renowned Experts to Drive Artificial Intelligence in the Construction Industry

Nemetschek Group Creates AI Innovation Hub with Renowned Experts to Drive Artificial Intelligence in the Construction Industry

The Nemetschek Group today announced the introduction of an AI Innovation Hub to bundle the existing AI activities in the Group and accelerate the adoption of Artificial Intelligence. The hub will be led by two top leaders, who are joining the Group from Google this month: Charles Sheridan, Chief AI and Data Officer, and Julian Geiger, Vice President AI Product and Transformation.

Nemetschek Group quarterly report Q1/2024 announcement

Nemetschek Group: Successful start to the year in Q1 2024 with double-digit operational revenue growth at a continued high profitability level

The Nemetschek Group has started the financial year 2024 with a currency-adjusted double-digit percentage growth at a continued high profitability level. The successful start and the overall strong operational performance are primarily driven by strong growth of the recurring revenue base, in particular the subscription and SaaS models, in combination with the innovative software solutions.

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